My grandson Cy and I have chatted about doing the Camino together, but this winter Meghan, his mom and my eldest, came to me with the idea of the 3 of us walking in August of 2016 - and my answer? SI!
No details have been worked out, but I have a rough plan.
Astorga,with a visit to the Museo del Chocolate
Museo de Chocolate, Astorga
Rabanal, Refugio Gaucelmo, where I volunteered for 2 weeks in 2012, and will again in Sept 2016

Refugio Gaucelmo, Rabanal
Ponferrada has a Templar Castle - we'll stay here for sure - who wouldn't want to visit a Templar Castle?
It is still another 200 km or so to Santiago - too soon to make definite plans, but I have more ideas.
After they return home for school at the end of August, I'll walk to Finisterre, bus back to Santiago, and on to Ferrol, in order to walk the Camino Ingles.
Then, back to Rabanal for another 2 weeks taking care of pilgrims.
So, I'll be busy this year, training, planning and dreaming!