Up at the late hour of 7:30 after a good nights rest. We hustled off to the Parador for a free breakfast.
Paradors are luxury hotels developed by the Spanish government. I have been inside several, and they do a great job of updating the interiors while retaining the original structure and ambiance. It you saw The Way, you saw the parador in Leon, which they used in the film.
The one in Santiago was a pilgrim hospital dating back to 1499, and provided shelter and care to pilgrims until 1952, when it was converted to a Parador. They continue the tradition of serving pilgims - many who can afford it, stay here while in Santiago. They also provide free meals to pilgrims.
In order to get our free breakfast, we lined up at the garage entrance. The first 10 pilgrims to arrive before the meal are escorted into the Parador, past the paying guests, the luxurious dining rooms, the beautiful cloisters, and into the kitchens. There we picked up carafes of coffee and hot milk, and a plate of churros ( like crullers) croissants and a cinnamon roll-like bun with apple filling. We carried them to a special dining room, just for pilgrims, and proceeded to enjoy ourselves. We met new pilgrims who were recent arrivals
( you must claim the meal within 3 days of arrival in Santiago). Some had walked different routes than us, and once again were from different countries, all in Europe. Two women that we had encountered several times, who left St Jean on the same day as us, were there. They were from the Czech Republic, and so the conversation also touched on Russia and eastern European politics.
We went back for lunch, which is the big meal. Since it was at noon, and most pilgrims are not ready to eat then, or are at the Pilgrims¨ Mass we once again were among the first to arrive. The meal included about 5 kinds of meat, all variations of pork. Later at the Bispo Taberna, we wondered where all the pigs were kept. We saw and smelled many cattle, but no pigs. Back to the meal: 3 kinds of tortilla, bread, lentil soup, ensalada mixta, empanadas, wine and sliced pineapple, plus 2 kinds of cake. It is 6 hours later, and we still aren´t hungry for dinner.
The food was great, but the opportunity to once again meet with other pilgrims and share stories over a shared meal was really the reason we went.
Thank you Parador Santiago de Compostela.
Here is another story of the free meal:
At 4, we went back to Bispo Taberna, to meet more Pilgims that we had met along the way. And Lise, who arrived with the 2 guys who had walked with her. We´ll catch up with her tomorrow.
The Camino experience continues to amaze us.
HI Darlene
ReplyDeletewhen you come up the VdlP you meet the pigs. Ok I am hungry now. enjoy the day.
So that is where they are hiding!
DeleteDarlene, my favorite hang out, Bispo Taberna. When you meet Lise, you might want to ask her if she wants her blog posted on the Toronto Camino Pilgrim Facebook Page.
ReplyDeleteAs to the Parador free meals, I did not even try to go there, not sure why, I guess I read somewhere something. I am so glad you are enjoying all that Santiago is offering.
Went again today, and there were only 7 of us. Pulpo, hake and tuna! It must be Friday.
DeleteDarlene, I just read this via Amigo de Cathedral:
ReplyDeleteSantiago de Compostela, May 26, 2014 . During the next few weeks, visitors to the Cathedral of Santiago Museum will receive, free of charge, two small publications that help you better understand the collection of Goya tapestries and textile collection treasures.
It might be of interest and it is free! Ingrid
I think it is too late - we leave tomorrow. Thanks for the heads-up.
DeleteI remember being "unescorted" when I left the Parador and wandering around in the bowels of the building thinking I was going to have to scale the garden wall to get out but eventually found my way back to the ballroom where they were setting up for a wedding....good meal and great company... enjoy your reunion with Lise...xoxo...j
ReplyDeleteLise Wendy and I plus Lise´s walking companion are off for dinner.